Maeil Business NewsKorea Sports Promotion Foundation Selects Top Sports Industry Startup Ideas of the Year

23 Aug 2024

On the 27th, the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, hosted an awards ceremony for the '2024 Sports Up Challenge' sports industry startup idea competition at the Soma Museum of Art in Songpa-gu, Seoul. 

The top prize was given to 'Saito,' a company that offered a sports glove and shoe production concept employing the environmentally beneficial new material 'Saitan.' Saito received the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Award, as well as a cash prize of 5 million won. Healing Heart and Field Mentor were honored with Excellence Awards, while SGLAB and 9.57 received Encouragement Awards. These teams each got the Chairman's Award from the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, as well as monetary rewards of 3 million and 1.5 million won. All award-winning teams, including SGLAB, were invited to the finals of 'Challenge! K-Startup,' a national integrated idea competition run by the Korea Startup Promotion Agency.

Source: Maeil Business News (

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